Veterans Day Ceremonies Will Be Livestreamed

There will be no Veterans Day parade or large in-person ceremony in Charleston this year due to the pandemic, but city officials said they will still commemorate the occasion virtually. John Brawley Post 20 of the American Legion and the city are teaming up with a stream on the city of Charleston’s Facebook and YouTube pages beginning 9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11. The ceremony will include segments from Maj. General Jason Bohm, the commanding general for Marine Corps Training Command in Quantico, Gold Star Mothers and messages from several elected officials.

Two small wreath laying ceremonies will take place on Veterans Day. The first will take place on the front steps of City Hall at 11 a.m. and the second will take place at Spring Hill Cemetery at 11:30 a.m.

Ceremonies will stream on the city of Charleston’s Facebook page.