Teamsters on strike at AHF Products

Union employees walked off the job at AHF Products in Beverly. The Teamsters Union blames the work stoppage on a safety issue which hasn’t been addressed in months. Workers have complained that an industrial sweeper, that eliminates dust in the plant, and has been in disrepair for months. The union and the company are at … Read more

Senior Services implementing new policies

Kanawha Valley Senior Services are implementing new policies to keep seniors safe from the coronavirus. Meal recipients will be given a meal to take home. There will be no sit down lunches. Home delivery will not be affected.

House of Worship canceling services

The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston is suspending Mass beginning Saturday afternoon because of the coronavirus. Non-essential meetings and parish events are also canceled or postponed, and the diocese is working to provide services online. Several other churches and synagogues plan to move services online, as well.

Coronavirus testing criteria concerns

There is growing concern over testing for the coronavirus. West Virginia Public Health Commissioner Dr. Cathy Slemp says there are not enough testing kits available. To be tested you must meet certain criteria provided by the Centers for Disease Control, and have a reason for exposure, like traveling to an area with an outbreak.

KCHD forms joint command center with city and county

There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in West Virginia. More than thirty people have been tested for the virus, 26 were negative, and test results are pending for five more. Charleston May Amy Goodwin says the city, county and Kanawha-Charleston Health Department have formed a joint command center at the KCHD building for quick … Read more

WVU Medicine plans to build new Fairmont hospital

Governor Justice and WVU officials announced plans to build a one-hundred-bed hospital in Fairmont. It will replace the current Fairmont Regional Medical Center that is closing in few weeks. WVU Medicine will keep the emergency department operating until the new hospital is constructed. The project is expected to take up to two years.

Woman shot & killed at Lavalette restaurant

A woman was shot and killed at Tudor’s Biscuit World in Lavalette. The woman was an employee at the restaurant, and was found in the kitchen. Prosecutors say the shooting stemmed from a domestic situation. Forty-five-year-old Gary Damron is charged with murder.

Appalachian Power replacing meters

You may experience short power outages in the next few months. Appalachian Power is replacing electric meters as part of a routine service upgrade through May. The outages will be brief, but digital clocks and other appliances my need to be reset.