12 year old child dies in house fire in Parkersburg

A child died in a house fire overnight Friday in the Parkersburg area, investigators said. The 12-year-old boy was killed in the fire about 12:40 a.m. at a home on Elder Street, according to a news release from the West Virginia State Fire Marshal’s Office. Firefighters responded and extinguished the blaze when they found the … Read more

Sam Minardi resigns from Charleston City Council

Sam Minardi, a Democrat that represented Ward 15, has announce he would resign from the Charleston City Council on Friday after serving more than 13 years in the Council Chamber. Minardi most recently won his bid for reelection in 2022. He is a small business owner and first joined the city council in 2011. Said … Read more

Second case of bird flu found in Pocahontas County

State officials confirmed a case of bird flu Friday in Pocahontas County. A case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza was found in a backyard flock, marking the second domestic case of HPAI since a global outbreak in early 2022, according to a news release from the West Virginia Division of Agriculture. HPIA is an airborne … Read more

Friday morning 3 car crashslows down traffic

Interstate 64 eastbound was reduced to one lane in Cabell County after three cars crashed Friday morning. Cabell County dispatchers said it happened near mile marker 11 close to the Hal Greer Boulevard exit around 5:40 a.m. Both the slow and middle lanes were closed while crews worked to get the cars off the road. … Read more

Rates on the WV Turnpike increase in 2025

A trip on the West Virginia Turnpike now costs more. As of Jan. 1, passenger cars, pickup trucks, motorcycles and small passenger vans will pay a $4.25 fee at each of the turnpike’s three mainline toll booths, according to the West Virginia Parkways Authority. Truck drivers will pay between $6.75 and $25.25 depending on size. … Read more

Lack of lawyers in Kanawha doing court-appointed work

A lack of lawyers interested in doing court-appointed criminal defense work has Kanawha County officials claiming defendants are in danger of being denied basic rights. Kanawha County’s chief judge is warning the issue has reached a “crisis ” level in an e-mail to the county’s lawyers, urging more to take part in court-appointed cases for … Read more

Sen Jason Barrett is WV Senate Finance Committee Chair

Sen. Jason Barrett, R-Berkely, has been named as the West Virginia Senate Finance Committee Chair. Senate President-elect Randy Smith made the announcement Tuesday, noting Sen. Rollan Roberts, R-Raleigh, will serve as vice chair.”The Finance Committee does some of the hardest work and heaviest lifting in the Legislature, and it’s a tough job,” Smith said. “I … Read more

Some APCO customers hit had this week by weather

Thousands of Appalachian Power customers lost service Tuesday after high wind and heavy rain moved through West Virginia.Portions of the Mountain State dealt with power outages earlier this week after strong winds blew through the region Sunday. Mingo County was hit the hardest with more than 1,600 customers losing electricity, according to numbers from Appalachian … Read more

US Forest Service buy 2700 acres of land in Tucker County

The U.S. Forest Service has officially acquired a scenic tract of land in Tucker County, a move that will allow public access to a miles-long stretch of the Blackwater River, About 2,700 acres of canyonland, which is bordered by Blackwater Falls State Park, will be added to the Monongahela National Forest, according to a news … Read more