secret company asking for relaxed Code for investment money

On Friday the office of Gov. Jim Justice released additional information detailing the nature of a possible special session of the West Virginia Legislature. Justice Chief of Staff Brian Abraham confirmed there will not be a special session, and that the matter will be addressed during the Legislature’s regular session early next year. Abraham alluded … Read more

University of Charleston to host commencement this weekend

It’s graduation weekend at the University of Charleston. Commencemnt for the fall semester is set for Saturday, December 7 at 10:00 a.m. in the Wehrle Athletic Arena on UC’s campus. About 200 students will participate, representing the university’s Charleston, Beckley, and online programs and four of its five schools: the School of Arts & Sciences, … Read more

New date announced for the Charleston Christmas Parade

The annual Charleston Christmas Parade didn’t happen as planned this week because of the weather. The parade was originally scheduled for Thursday, but it has been postponed until Tuesday, Dec. 17, according to a news release from the city. Organizers said they postponed the popular event manily due to low temperatures and wind chills.

New Sheetz store announces grand opening date

The new Sheetz location in Marmet will open at 8 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 12 with a ribbon cutting at 10:45 am. As part of the grand opening, Sheetz will make donations to the Mountaineer Food Bank and Special Olympics West Virginia. The new Sheetz store can be found off Interstate 64 at 10401 MacCorkle Avenue.

Economic development plans are in the works for 73/74 corridor

The first meeting of the Central Appalachia Highway Economic Development Authority was held Wednesday afternoon. The authority is made up of 15 members from the private sector and representatives of five counties from southern West Virginia. Part of the Interstate-73/74 corridor from Michigan to Myrtle Beach passes through southern West Virginia, specifically Mercer, McDowell, Wyoming, … Read more