WV State Fair still on
The West Virginia State Fair is still on, at least for now. The fair is scheduled to begin on August 13th, but the organizers say they will need to make a final decision by the middle of June.
The West Virginia State Fair is still on, at least for now. The fair is scheduled to begin on August 13th, but the organizers say they will need to make a final decision by the middle of June.
Bluefield Regional Medical Center is being shut down. Services will be reduced to an emergency room and lab services. More than three-hundred workers will be affected. The Princeton Hospital purchased the facility last year, and says the unstable health care environment forced the closure that will happen in July.
Charleston city employees will receive new face masks thanks to a donation from the U.S. Conference of Mayors. The city received 96-hundred reusable face masks. The donation is part of an effort to provide more than 1 million masks to cities across the country at no cost.
COVID-19 testing continues today in five West Virginia counties More than 15-hundred people were tested yesterday. Testing will be available today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Shawnee Sports Complex in Dunbar.
There are twenty-one new cases of COVID-19 in West Virginia, bringing the total to nearly two-thousand positive cases. The death toll remains at 74, and positive test results are just over two-percent.
Movie theaters can reopen on June 5th at 50-percent capacity. Under the guidelines, patrons will be seated six-feet apart in every other row. There will be assigned seating and an usher will take you to your seat.
Governor Justice says youth sports can restart beginning June 8th, and games can resume on June 22nd. High School sports and band activities will be allowed to begin summer conditioning beginning June 8th. Guideline will include mandatory social distancing, and the players will be limited to small groups.
A resident at Eldercare in Jackson County has tested positive for COVID-19, sparking a mass retesting at the nursing and rehab facility. All residents and most of the staff have been tested, and the remaining staff will be tested this weekend. Eldercars was the ise of a large coronavirus outbreak in April that claimed fifteen … Read more
Firefighters put out a blaze at an abandoned home in Ironton, Ohio. No one was hurt. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Police say squatters have been seen going in and out of the house.
Multiple mudslides have shut down Blue Creek Road at Country Lane in Elkview. Crews were on the scene cleaning up one slide when two more happened. DOH says no detours are possible. No word yet on when the slide will stop or when the roadway will reopen.