Wayne County Schools to Host Summer Learning Program

Students in Wayne County can be part of a virtual learning academy this summer. Those in grades K-12 can sign up for a three-week course free of charge and it covers critical math and English skills. It’s an opportunity to improve on what they’ve already learnd. Enrollment will close on Friday, July 3rd and classes … Read more

Free COVID-19 Testing Will Happen Friday and Saturday

More COVID-19 testing will be available tomorrow and Saturday. In Kanawha County, the testing will happen at the Shawnee Sports Complex from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 29 and 30. The governor aims to increase testing for minorities and other vulnerable populations in medically-underserved counties, according to a news release from the DHHR. The … Read more

Spring Paving Projects Are Underway

Spring paving projects are underway or planned for all 55 counties in West Virginia. The state Department of Transportation said the Division of Highways plans to ditch, patch and stabilize a combined 56,000 miles in 2020. They said the work is necessary for 416 resurfacing projects that cover more than 650 miles by the end … Read more

Bluefield Explosions Were Likely Electrical

Firefighters responded Wednesday to a series of underground explosions in Bluefield in the 400 block of Bland Street. Firefighters said smoke and some flames were pouring from a manhole when they arrived at the scene. They said there were two other explosions while they were at the scene. They think the cause was electrical, but … Read more

Justice campaign files election complaint

The Governor’s campaign filed an emergency election complaint against challenger, Woody thrasher, alleging that he is running campaign ads that are false and misleading. The ad accuses Justice of releasing a convicted murderer from prison because of the pandemic, but the Department of Corrections says Justice had nothing to do with the man’s parole.

Early voting begins today with precations

Early voting begins today in West Virginia with coronavirus precautions. Voters will be asked to wear a mask and a glove on their dominant hand. Only four voters will be allowed in the polling room at one time.

WV mail carrier charged with election fraud

A West Virginia mail carrier is charged with election fraud for trying to change the party affiliation on request for absentee ballots in Pendleton County. Forty-seven-year-old Thomas Cooper admitted to altering the requests from Democratic to Republican as a joke.