Valuable Medical Equipment is Found at a Shuttered Hospital

West Virginia emergency officials found more than a dozen ventilators and other important equipment in the shuttered Ohio Valley Medical Center. The hospital also has negative pressure units and more than a dozen ventilators, including an infant ventilator. Emergency managers will work with surrounding counties and will share resources.

Two More Judicial Annex Employees Test Positive

County health officials say two more employees from the Kanawha Judicial Annex have tested positive for the coronavirus. The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department said the new cases move the total to seven employees from the building who have tested positive. The county’s total remains at 28. Dr. Sherri Young, executive director and health officer at the … Read more

West Virginia Has 11 New Cases of COVID-19 and 1 Death

An 88-year-old from Marion County passed away over the weekend, and that was West Virginia’s first coronavirus-related death, according to a West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. The state confirmed 11 news cases of COVID-19 Sunday evening and te state’s total is now at 124 positive tests.

Cabell County Confirms First Coronavirus Case

Cabell County health officials announced the county’s first positive case involving a resident Saturday night. The person is male in his thirties and he is isolating at home, according to the Cabell-Huntington Health Department. The first from a county resident, while at least five other cases from surrounding counties have been diagnosed at Cabell County … Read more

Attorney General Warns Landlords Against Evictions

The West Virginia Attorney General said he is sending warning letters to landlords who are threatening to evict tenants who can’t pay rent during the coronavirus pandemic. The Gazette-Mail reported Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said a landlord cannot evict a tenant without first filing a petition for eviction in magistrate or circuit court and a … Read more

Elkins police officer released from hospital

An Elkins police officer is out of the hospital after he was shot in the arm and leg. Officer Daniel Sayer tried to arrest a man for carrying a rifle in an alley. The suspect resisted and fired several shots. Officers were able to take control and took the gunman into custody. Jerry Isner II … Read more

Kanawha County courtrooms go virtual

Kanawha County courtrooms are going virtual after the Kanawha County Judicial Annex closed because of a coronavirus outbreak. The court used Skype for the first time to conduct a preliminary hearing on a murder charge. Thirty-eight-year-old Lasalle Burnett is charged with murder for killing a man last year inside his home on Ash Street.

Governor calls for investigation into healthcare company

Governor Justice is calling for an investigation into the operators of the recently closed Fairmont Regional Medical Center. Alecto Healthcare Services missed a deadline to pay the money it owes to former employees. The governor says it may be a violation of both state and federal law.

New meal plan for WV students

State education officials are announcing a new plan to make sure students are fed while schools are closed. Most counties are moving to a multi-day meal box system. The boxes will provide breakfast and lunch for five days, and will be replenished once a week. Schools are closed until April 20th.

National Guard providing help to food bank

Ten West Virginia National Guard members are working at the Mountaineer Food Bank in Gassaway to send out thousands of food boxes to those in need. The Guard stepped in after the food bank had to limit it’s volunteers due to the coronavirus.