Slack Street Recycling Facility Opens Today

The Kanawha County Solid Waste Authority will reopen its facility at 600 Slack Street today (Tuesday, May 12). They’ll be insisting on 6 feet of social distancing in the drop-off area when recycling materials. Visitors are asked to remain in their vehicles if the drop-off bin they want to use already has someone using the … Read more

Southside Bridge to Close for Repairs

The Southside Bridge in Charleston will be temporarily closed beginning Friday for repairs. The City of Charleston said the bridge will be closed from 9 p.m. Friday, May 15 through 4:30 a.m. Monday, May 18. Alternative routes to cross the Kanawha River are the Eugene A. Carter Bridge on Interstate 64, the Patrick Street Bridge, … Read more

Extension Needs Help from Farmers to Collect Weather Data

West Virginia State University Extension Service is offering a video conference presentation on its weather data collection program this week. The goal is to have landowners from each West Virginia county participating in data collection. Those interested will receive a free weather station for data collection and training on collecting the data. Farmers will be … Read more

WVU to Host a Virtual Graduation May 16th

West Virginia University’s first virtual commencement will be held online this Saturday, May 16. The event will be available beginning at 11 a.m. by going to No login or password is required, and there will be no limit on views. The 30-minute program will include speeches, remarks from WVU President Gordon Gee and West … Read more

WVU will furlough 875 workers

WVU is furloughing 875 workers. The temporary furloughs will save the university around four-million-dollars and will begin on May 24th, and workers will return either June 28th or July 26th. The pay cuts will affect WVU athletics, as well. Four head coaches will voluntarily take a ten-percent salary reduction, along with President Gordon Gee and … Read more

Positive COVID-19 test rate just over 2%

West Virginia’s positive coronavirus test rate is just over two-percent, with almost 14-hundred people testing positive for the virus statewide. A 25-year-old Berkely county woman died on Sunday, bringing the state’s death toll to 54.

Task froce will study African American coronavirus cases

A new task force is scheduled to meet today to study the high percentage of positive COVID-19 test results in the African-American community. The State Bureau of Public Health says African-Americans account for more than seven-percent of COVID-19 cases in West Virginia.

More daycare workers test COVID-19 positive

Two more day care workers have tested positive for COVID-19 at drive-up testing events. The workers are from the Zion Child Development Center in Charleston, and My Family Preschool and Childcare Center in Hurricane. Both day care centers are closed.