Clay County sheriff resigns

Clay County Sheriff Donald Triplett resigned abruptly to deal with personal family matters. Former Sheriff Randy Holcomb will fill the position on an interim basis.

St. Albans Man is Arrested After Break-in

Kanawha County deputies said a man was taken into custody after he burglarized a home, fought with deputies and tried to take an officer’s stun gun. 30-year old Craig Scott of St. Albans was charged after an incident Tuesday on High Street near St. Albans. A security camera and alarm caught a man breaking into … Read more

Marshall Will Offer New Online Degree

Marshall University will debut an online degree in general business this fall. The bachelor of art’s degree will be designed specifically for students who work or have family responsibilities. It’s also aimed at transfer students who may not be able to regularly attend classes on the Huntington campus. The university said academic advisers will tailor … Read more

Positive Test Rate Stays Below 3 Percent

West Virginia’s COVID-19 positive test rate continued to hold under the 3% mark Tuesday, with 14 new positive cases and no new deaths. The state Department of Health and Human Resources said the state’s cumulative percent positive test rate was at 2.26%. According to the DHHR’s website, 630 have recovered.

Huntington Gives Bonus Pay to Front Liners

Huntington will give its employees a one-time extra payment for continuing to work with the public during the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Steve Williams said $900 will go to all the members of unions representing city police, firefighters and administrative employees who did not work remotely during the virus outbreak. Nearly 285 employees will receive the … Read more

Three Charged in Maryland Man’s Death

Three people charged in connection with the killing of a Maryland man are now in jails in West Virginia. Emily R. Day was transferred to Eastern Regional Jail in Martinsburg after her arrest in Maryland by state police on April 24. Day is being held without bond on charges of accessory in the murder of … Read more

Tour de Coal & Yakfest canceled

The Tour de Coal and the St. Albans YakFest are officially canceled this year. The events were scheduled for June and normally attract thousands of people to the area. Organizers for the events hope to reschedule in the fall.