Huntington Allows More Restaurants to Have Outdoor Dining

Huntington officials are temporarily making it easier and quicker for businesses in the city to offer outdoor dining. An executive order signed by mayor Steve Williams allows businesses who previously did not offer outdoor dining to submit its plan to the city, according to a city news release. If approved, the business will be granted … Read more

Federal prison workers protest quarantine decision

Federal prison workers will rally today to protest the Federal Bureau of Prisons decision to use prisons in Preston and Gilmer counties as COVID-19 quarantine sites. Federal prisons in West Virginia have not reported any cases of coronavirus, and the American Federation of Government Employees Union says there is no reason to move inmates from … Read more

WVU plans to resume in-person classes in the fall

West Virginia University plans to resume in-person classes in the fall. Officials say there will be changes to reduce the number of students in the classroom. Students, faculty and staff will be provided with personal protective gear. And there will be thorough cleaning of University buildings. The university is also looking at widespread testing and … Read more

“Safer at Home” order goes into effect Monday

The Governor’s safer-at-home order takes effect on Monday. More activity can begin with barbershops and hair salons opening by appointment only. Restaurants can offer outdoor dining, takeout and delivery. Small business with fewer than ten employees can reopen, and worship services can take place with proper social distancing.

WV can borrow money to cover unemployment claims

The state has received approval to borrow money from the federal government to cover unemployment claims. The U.S. Department of Labor is providing a 375-million-dollar line of credit for the state to cover claims. State officials don’t think they’ll need all the money, but it will be a good backstop. West Virginia’s unemployment rate is … Read more

Justice says state revenue numbers are “terrible”

Governor Justice says the state’s monthly revenue numbers are “terrible.” Revenue figures are off by over 190-million-dollars for April. Justice says state agencies have enough money on hand to pay the bills in May, but not much longer after that. The governor still maintains that federal officials will eventually loosen up on how states can … Read more