Gov. Justice doesn’t want COVID-19 inmates moved to WV

Governor Justice is urging the director of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to reconsider transferring out-of-state inmates with COVID-19 to West Virginia prisons. The federal prison at Hazelton and Gilmer are being designated as quarantine locations. Justice called the move “unwise and unnecessary.” So far, there are no reported COVID-19 cases in federal prisons in … Read more

COVID-19 cases top 1,000 in WV

The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in West Virginia topped one-thousand, and more than thirty people have died. There are six more positive cases of coronavirus in Kanawha County, for a total of over 150. Testing at the county’s ten nursing homes is complete, and about 17-hundred test results are pending. Over 25 people were … Read more

Gig workers and self-employed can file for unemployment

West Virginia has worked through the backlog of more than 150-thousand unemployment claims, and starting Friday night, workers who don’t usually qualify for unemployment, like gig workers and the self-employed, will be able to file a claim for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.

Justice still banking on federal relief dollars

Governor Justice has been counting on federal relief dollars to make up for an estimated 500-million-dollar state budget gap, but new guidance from the Treasury Department says the money can’t be used to backfill lost revenue. Justice says he’s confident Congress will make the money available to the states.

Two more COVID-19 deaths in WV

Two more people in West Virginia have died from COVID-19, bringing the state’s death toll to 31. More than 980 people have tested positive for the virus. Testing will continue today at the state’s nursing homes, so far, more than two-thousand tests have come back negative.