Man is Found in an Old Mine After Trespessing

A man reported missing more than a week ago was found alive in a closed West Virginia mine. The West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training said Timothy Kennedy was found in a Mingo County mine, where he apparently became lost after trespassing. The location was the former Isaban Deep Mine #3 that … Read more

Walmart Employees to Start Wearing Face Coverings

Walmart announced Saturday that it will require employees to wear facemasks beginning today. Assosicates have to pass a health screening and a temperature before reporting to work, and wearing a mask can reduce the spread of the virus if someone is asymptomatic. Walmart is also requiring employees in its corporate office, distribution centers and other … Read more

COVID-19 Claims Two Ripley Nursing Home Patients

Two patients died at a Ripley nursing home died from coronavirus-related complications. An 83-year old man and an 88-year old woman at Eldercare Health & Rehabilitation in Ripley passed away, and two more are hospitalized. An employee at the facility tested positive and all of the patients and workers are being tested.

West Virginia Businesses Wait on SBA Loans

Before the Small Business Administration ran out of money in the $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program, it processed and approved more than 1.6 million loans. Around 7,800 businesses in West Virginia did receive funding, and those that haven’t been approved are waiting to see whether Congress comes up with a deal for more money for … Read more

Post Break-in Fire Remains Under Investigation in Hamlin

A suspicious fire at a commercial building is under investigation in Hamlin. West Virginia State Fire Marshals are investigating after the fire was set in the front of the building on Route 3 Saturday morning. The building was broken into from the back. The Hamlin, West Hamlin Fire and Duval Fire departments were able to … Read more

Jackson County Nursing Home Adds More Positive Cases

A Jackson County senior care facility has 59 new positive cases of COVID-19. Eldercare Health & Rehabilitation said at the time of testing the residents were asymptomatic. Testing began on all of the facility’s patients and staff last Tuesday and 6 results are still pending.

Nursing Home Launches Website to Track Coronavirus Cases

A number of skilled nursing centers across West Virginia launched an online dashboard Friday with COVID-19 testing results. Stonerise Healthcare said the data will reflect the test results and the status of positive cases among the patients at its facilities. The information provided on the dashboard includes current patients, those admitted to the hospital, patients … Read more

Hunters preparing for spring gobble season

Hunters are preparing for West Virginia’s spring gobbler season. Turkey hunting season opens April 20th and runs through May 16th. A two-day youth spring gobbler season opens Saturday. Hunting regulations remain in place, in addition to the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.

WVU receives $100,000 award from NASA

West Virginia University has received a one-hundred-thousand-dollar award from NASA for space research. WVU will use the money to develop an Artificial Intelligence based framework for real-time radio-frequency interference detection and mitigation.

Drive-thru COVID-19 testing Tuesday

The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department and the Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance Authority will hold a drive-thru COVID-19 testing event on Tuesday at the ambulance authority on Brooks Street. You must have coronavirus symptoms to be tested, which include coughing fever, and shortness of breath. Testing is by appointment only.