Gov. Justice says restart is a balancing act

Governor Justice is starting to talk about transitioning from stay at home orders to a cautious restart, but he says the next phase of coronavirus response with be very tedious and difficult. Justice says his main priority is protecting the health of West Virginians.

Patients at St. Abans nursing home being tested for COVID-19

There are two more COVID-19 deaths in West Virginia bringing the death toll to twelve, and nearly 720 people are positive for the coronavirus. The West Virginia National Guard is testing 75 patients for COVID-19 at the Riverside Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in St. Albans. The testing comes after one patient at the facility was … Read more

Buses Make Changes to Keep Riders and Drivers Safe

Public transportation services are adapting during the pandemic. Buses are regularly cleaned and disinfected and drivers are wearing masks and gloves. Tri-State Transit Authority in Huntington said ridership has decreased, but safety techniques have increased. There are barriers around the drivers called “cough curtains” to cut the risk of germs spreading. KVRTA in Charleston said … Read more

Pharmacies Hit with Gift Card Scam

Kanawha County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the Walgreen’s Pharmacy in Cross Lanes to investigate a scam this week. The cashier said three men purchased four separate gift cards containing $500 dollars on each card. At the checkout the suspects told her she had to press the cash button on the register to process the … Read more

Suddenlink Offers Free Internet for Students

To help students with homeschooling, Suddenlink is extending an offer for free internet to households that do not currently have internet access. It’s free broadband for K-12 grade or college students who don’t currently have access, and the offer is available through June 30, 2020. Families can sign up online at or email

Road Work Continues in Winfield to Fix Drainage Issue

Road crews shut down Route 62, between the Winfield Bridge and Kings Tire, for several hours on Tuesday after a drainage issue caused the roadway to flood. A damaged culvert running under the railroad tracks and the debris buildup near the Army Corps of Engineers property caused a drainage issue last week. WCHS TV reported … Read more

No plans to layoff state workers

Despite a 500-million-dollar budget shortfall, Governor Justice says he doesn’t see the need to layoff or furlough state workers. West Virginia anticipates over a billion-dollars from a federal relief package, and governors across the country are asking for increased flexibility to use that money for expenses.