Teacher’s home catches fire during online class

A Huntington middle school teacher’s house caught fire while he was teaching a class online. Andy McKee teaches science at Our Lady of Fatima, and during a Zoom class he smelled smoke and told students he had to go. He went downstairs and saw smoke in the kitchen and flames coming from his garage. No … Read more

Medical supplies dwindling at WV nursing homes

Medical supplies are dwindling at some West Virginia nursing homes. Facilities around the state could run out of masks and gloves in two weeks. Health officials say that in the rush to buy personal protective equipment has driven up prices and delayed shipments. Masks that used to cost less than a dollar are now selling … Read more

St. Francis becomes COVID-19 surge hospital

St. Francis will become West Virginia’s first COVID-19 surge hospital. Health officials want the facility ready, because the peak of virus is expected to hit the state next week, on the 14th through the 16th. The hospital will have nearly one-hundred beds, and medical supplies are being delivered by the truckload from another hospital that … Read more

Four more WV counties added to “hot spot” list

There are 38 more positive cases of COVID-19 in West Virginia, bringing the states total to over 570, and five people have died. Cabell, Wayne, Wood, and Ohio counties have been added to the list of “hot spots” in West Virginia, and Lincoln County is confirming its first case of coronavirus. Forty-four counties in the … Read more

Marshall University refunds

Marshall University is refunding students over four-and-a-half-million-dollars in fees for services they aren’t utilizing while campus is closed. Students will be reimbursed over 37-percent for meal plans, housing, parking and rec fees.

WorkForce West Virginia opens 2nd call center

Work Force West Virginia’s second call center is open to handle the record number of unemployment claims. A third call center will go online soon. Ninety-thousand people filed for unemployment benefits in in March, and almost 36-thousnd claims have been filed already in April.

COVID-19 Czar says WV numbers are encouraging

The state’s COVID-19 czar, Dr. Clay Marsh, says the numbers are encouraging, but it’s still early in the pandemic. More than 80-percent of people who tested positive for coronavirus are in home isolation, less than 20-percent were hospitalized, and nearly sixty people have recovered and are out of quarantine.

Shots fired at Prezios Place home

Charleston police are investigating after shots were fired through the front window of a home Prezioso Place. About five shots were fired into the house. No one was hurt, and the shooter took off on foot.

COVID-19 claims life of 5th West Virginian

An 89-year-old woman from the Sundale nursing home in Morgantown has died from COVID-19, making her the state’s fifth coronavirus death. Eighty people have tested positive for the virus in Kanawha County, and the statewide total is over 500. Governor Justice signed an executive order taking additional steps to ensure proper social distancing at golf … Read more