Workforce WV distributing federal unemployment benefits

Governor Justice says Workforce West Virginia is distributing an additional six-hundred-dollars-a-week in federal unemployment benefits. Money from the CARES act started going out this week, and will continue for sixteen weeks, or up to July 31st. The governor says the state is catching up on processing the huge backlog of unemployment claims. The state processed … Read more

Woman accused of stabbing boyfriend

A 22-year-old woman is under arrest for stabbing her boyfriend at an apartment building in Cross Lanes. The woman says it was self-defense. She had a restraining order against him, but it expired. He’s being treated at CAMC General.

Kanawha County approves “Hero Pay”

Kanawha County first responders will receive “Hero Pay” for being on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Kanawha County Commission approved an increase of four-dollars-per-hour during the State of Emergency.

Mingo County Sets Up Drive-Thru Testing Site

Residents of Mingo County who have COVID-19 symptoms or are considered high risk soon will have the option to test through a drive-thru clinic. The Mingo County Health Department says anyone experiencing fever, cough and shortness of breath or those who have been in contact with someone with a confirmed case of the virus are … Read more

National Guard Helps in Several Ways

The West Virginia National Guard is helping to distribute supplies and help in other capacities. Guard members are helping Workforce West Virginia process unemployment claims and by staffing call centers. Guard members have also helped with testing more than 150 residents and staff from Eastbrook Center in Kanawha County. A Guard task force will train … Read more

Former Principal Dies in Fire

Kanawha County school officials have confirmed the woman who died in a fire last week in Big Chimney was a former principal. Melissa Cisco died in a house fire that was reported around 9 a.m. Friday in the 4500 block of Pennsylvania Avenue. Cisco retired in 2001 from Clendenin Elementary School. She started working for … Read more

Salvation Army Sets Up Emotional Support Hotline

The Salvation Army said it has established a hotline that people can call for emotional and spiritual support during the COVID-19 crisis. It’s available toll free from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week at 844-458-HOPE (4673). A team of specialists, made up of Salvation Army officers and trained employees, are available to … Read more