National Guard helping with unemployment claims

Governor Justice says Workforce West Virginia is hiring, and he’s dispatching National Guard troops to help more than 90-thousand people trying to file unemployment claims. There are now three Workforce call centers working 24-7 to clear out the backlog.

Fourth COVID-19 death in WV

A Harrison County man is the fourth person in West Virginia to die from COVID-19. There are over twenty more positive cases of the virus statewide, bringing the total to 345 cases.

Home Depot Donates Supplies to Charleston Police

Charleston police officers all have protective equipment and cleaning products during the coronavirus crisis thanks to a donation. Operation Blessing and the Home Depot Foundation teamed up on the effort. Charleston Police said on Facebook that every city officer will now have protective masks, gloves, bleach, disinfectant wipes, trash bags, paper towels, Scotch-Brite and a … Read more

Charleston Launches Thank-You Video Campaign

Charleston Mayor Amy Goodwin launched an online social medial campaign – #GiveThanksCWV – to allow people to thank front-line workers while maintaining social distancing. You can upload short videos to social media using the hashtag #GiveThanksCWV and the city said it will share some of those videos on its social media platforms. Videos are circulating … Read more

Positive COVID-19 Patients Could be Monitored With Ankle Bracelets

Kanawha County’s chief circuit judge has entered an order allowing the Sheriff’s Office to issue GPS ankle monitoring bracelets to those who refuse to quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19. The judge’s order allows the sheriff’s office to take the action after quarantine orders are issued by the Kanawha Charleston-Health Department. The method would only … Read more

Mask Donations to be Accepted in Wayne County

The Wayne County Health Department will be collecting homemade masks to donate to those in need. The health department will have a drop off container outside of their office. Donations will be accepted during normal working hours. They have instructions on how to make the masks on their Facebook page.