Kanawha County COVID-19 Cases Reach 45

Kanawha County added five more positive COVID-19 cases to its total. The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department reported the county had a total of 45 positive novel coronavirus cases as of 9 a.m. Thursday. Kanawha County had 40 cases on Wednesday. Seven employees at the Kanawha Judicial Annex previously tested positive for COVID-19. A spouse of one … Read more

Middle School Helps Make Masks

A West Virginia middle school has joined the legion of homemakers, businesses and other places to produce masks for the health care industry. Andrew Jackson Middle School in Cross Lanes said its staff used a 3D printer and a print file to produce its first KnightMasks this week in response to a request from the … Read more

Important Dates Announced After Primary is Moved to June

The West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office announced key election dates and deadlines now that the state’s primary election has been moved to June 9. Eligible voters may apply for a Primary Election absentee ballot through June 3. On April 24, county clerks will begin mailing absentee ballots. The voter registration deadline will be May … Read more

State revenue numbers beat estimates in March

West Virginia’s latest revenue numbers are strong. Collections topped estimates by over twelve-million-dollars, with March revenue collections of over 360-million-dollars. Governor Justice says he’s hopeful that the federal stimulus package will offset a sharp decline in tax collections in the coming months. He didn’t rule out tapping into the state’s rainy day fund.